What's Going On
Sunday 10am to 12pm
In person
Snodland Community Centre Paddlesworth Rd, Snodland ME6 5DP, UK
Mid Week & Monthly Meetings
All our midweek & Monthly meetings are online.
Monday to Saturday
Morning Devotion at 7am to 8am: Zoom ID: 9074 563 313 Password: 450450
Mercy Chapel Evening Prayer Meeting at 9pm: Zoom ID: 412 234 6858 Password: MERCY
Evening Gatherings
- Monday Chapel Monday Prayer Meeting at 9pm: Zoom ID: 412 234 6858 Password: MERCY
Tuesday Prayer Meeting at 7pm to 8pm: Zoom ID: 9074 563 313 Password: 450450
Wednesday Bible Study at 7pm to 8pm : Zoom ID: 9074 563 313 Password: 450450
Thursday House Fellowship at 7pm to 8pm: Zoom ID: 9074 563 313 Password: 450450
Monthly Meetings
Holy Communion
The Last Wednesday of the Month
7pm to 8pm
Prayer Vigil
The Last Friday of the Month
10pm to 12midnight
Hour of Liberation
The First Saturday of the Month
8am to 10am